ACSOL Conference to Feature National Experts

The second annual ACSOL conference to be held on June 15 and June 16 will feature national experts Laurie Jo Reynolds, Dr. Ilan Meyer and Anokhi Shah. The conference will be held at Southwestern Law School, 3050 Wilshire Boulevard, in downtown Los Angeles.

“Laurie Jo Reynolds is an activist, a social justice professor and an artist who understands the challenges registrants and their families face every day,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “She is sure to inspire us all.”

Dr. Ilan Meyer is a Distinguished Senior Scholar for Public Policy at the Williams Institute for Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy at UCLA’s School of Law. His research regarding the many types of stigma faced by members of the gay community has been credited with helping to defeat Proposition 8 in California.

Anokhi Shah is an appellate public defender at the Center for Appellate Litigation at New York University. In that capacity, Shah has defended individuals convicted of sex offenses in risk-level determination hearings, risk-level modification hearings as well as residency restrictions cases.

Guy Hamilton-Smith, a fellow at the Sex Offense Litigation and Policy Research Institute, will speak at the ACSOL conference on both June 15 and June 16. As a speaker, he will address two issues — child pornography and how to success as a registrant. More about Mr. Hamilton-Smith.

“We look forward to hearing from all of these national experts,” stated Bellucci. “They will increase the amount of information as well as the number of tools to be provided to registrants and their families.”

It’s easy to sign up for the conference, for both days or one day only.

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This will be the second annual ACSOL conference and I know it will be just as great as last year. There will be lots of workshops and panel presentations as well as the featured speakers mentioned, with lots to learn and to share. I have to mention that we are again fortunate to be able hold our conference in the beautiful Southwestern Law School Building. It is truly a “must see.”
There is an early-bird discount in effect for a limited time and I hope everyone will take advantage of it!

For all of those who are new to our site, this conference is for you. There are few places on this planet where registrants and their loved ones can get together in a safe environment and find comfort knowing that we are fighting for you. Last year’s conference touched the lives of so many and it is empowering to learn all that is being done to bring about positive change and reform. Hope to see you there!

If I had a job and the money to travel…
I hope you’ll videotape your speakers and post them somewhere after the conference is over. (and please mic the audience members asking questions).

I think everyone here understands that these conferences are where the seeds are planted, where our tree grows. Thank you to all who make it possible and to those that are making it happen. Thank you.

Is there a hotel that will give group rates to RSOs?😎